
Blonde escort Svetlana

Sensuous Sagas by Escort London Svetlana


And welcome dear friends, to a rendezvous with your escort London Svetlana! As I extend my hand in friendship, I also open the door to a world shrouded in mystery and allure. Now, I'll reveal my secrets, stories, and quirks that define me as a prominent figure in the realm of companionship and adventure.

Why be serious when you can be seriously entertained? Meet and know your London escort with a strong sense of love I've got a supernatural knack for making your day a tad more enchanting.

A sultry Russian escort temptress with an insatiable appetite for adventure!

Her voluptuos curves will drive you wild, as she invites you on a passionate journey of intimate pleasure. Unfolding before you is a world full of unimaginable bliss and satisfaction. Open up to Svetlana and succumb to her captivating allure as she brings out your wildest desires. Once you surrender to Svetlana’s seductive embrace, prepare for an unforgettable night of ultimate gratification. Don't miss the opportunity to ignite your passions with this exotic companion that will leave you begging for more."

Moreover, I'm the legend of all escorts. Let's rendezvous, explore my sensuous abilities, (and not only those) and make the thrilling decision to enlist me immediately. Your desires deserve swift fulfilment, and I'm here to make it happen!

Your love wishes are like puzzle pieces (for example to be spanked?!!), scattered and waiting to be put together into a beautiful picture of passion. I'm here to be your puzzle master, helping you arrange each piece until we create the perfect, intricate masterpiece of desire.

My mission, should you choose to accept it? To transform your event into an interactive extravaganza! Get ready for an experience that defies convention.

Ring me up without delay! Escort London questions (for example PSE questions) are my forte. 

Warmest wishes for a future bursting with eroticism and delightful surprises,

Escort London Svetlana

Svetlana's Stats
Age 21
Height 1.89
Eye Colour Blue
Hair Colour Blonde
Breast Natural Tits
Bust Size 93
Dress Size 3
Nationality Russian
Nearest Tube St. James's Park UG
Location Paddington
Availability mon to sun
About me

My service determination is non-negotiable. Always honour my choices regarding services!

Svetlana's Rates (Taxi fares not included in the price)
1 hour:£ 200£ 250
1.5 Hour:£ 300£ 350
2 hours:£ 400£ 450
3 hours:£ 600£ 650
Dinner:-£ 600
Overnight:£ 1500£ 1500
Svetlana's Reviews
  • Svetlana, your adventurous spirit is like a compass pointing us toward uncharted territories of love. Your fearless approach to exploring my desires, my fantasies has been nothing short of exhilarating. Thanks to you, I've realised that love is an adventure waiting to be embraced. You've ignited a sense of curiosity and excitement within me, and I'm ready to embark on this thrilling journey. You encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. You showed me that love can be both exciting and tender. Thank you, again!

    amazed September 2023