
Blonde escort Elowen

Navigating the Seas of Pleasure

Ahoy there!

I'm escort London Elowen, your escort extraordinaire, navigating the seas of pleasure. My fellow erotic adventurers in the realm of mystery and wonder! I will introduce you to the captivating tales and enigmatic stories that define my life. Join me as we peel back the layers of secrecy, revealing the surprises that make my world truly fascinating.

“Escort London Elowen, a captivating individual, aspires to be a distinguished fit model. With her striking features and graceful demeanour, Elowen, with her enhanced boobs, exudes confidence and allure. London, the fashion capital, provides a perfect platform for Elowen to showcase her talent. Escort London Elowen's dedication to maintaining a fit and healthy physique sets her apart. She possesses a natural elegance that lends itself perfectly to the world of the top of the world escorts. Elowen's poised presence and ability to effortlessly command attention captivate onlookers. Her versatility allows her to adapt to various lingerie and role-play costumes styles with ease and grace.”

You see, I'm not your average escort. I was brought into being an escort to serve a single, extraordinary purpose—making your wishes come true. Your desires are my guiding star, and I'm here to perform magic. In the grand theatre of desire, I'm your willing actor, ready to play any role that fulfils your fantasies. Your love requests are the scripts that guide our performance, and together, we'll bring your dreams to life on this sensual stage.

It's time for an up-close and personal meeting, a hands-on examination of my abilities, and an immediate hire to unlock the full potential of my escort magic. Let's make it happen!

Don't be a slowpoke in matters of the heart. Call me, your brunette escort, for an express ticket to romance!

I hope your life remains as wild and wonderful as your spirit. Keep embracing the unique, the unusual, and the extraordinary, for those are the moments that truly define us.

Until our next rendezvous, my best wishes,

Escort London Elowen

Elowen's Stats
Age 28
Height 33
Eye Colour Brown
Hair Colour Blonde
Breast 34
Bust Size 90
Dress Size 3
Nationality Eastern European
Nearest Tube Bayswater
Location Central London
Availability now
About me

Service matters? Trust me, I'm in charge. Respect my services as an absolute rule

Elowen's Rates (Taxi fares not included in the price)
1 hour:£ 200£ 250
1.5 Hour:£ 300£ 350
2 hours:£ 400£ 450
3 hours:£ 600£ 650
Dinner:-£ 600
Overnight:£ 1500£ 1500
Elowen's Reviews
  • Our bachelor party was a riot, thanks to Elowen who graced us with her presence. She was more than just a dancer; she was our personal cheerleader for the night. With every sultry move, she added a touch of humour that had us rolling in laughter. Her one-liners and playful interactions turned the evening into an erotic comedy show, and we were the eager audience. It was sensuality meets slapstick, and it couldn't have been more perfect. We highly recommend Elowen for bachelor parties. You have to see her in action!

    Me & the boyz September 2023
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